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Please see our comprehensive list of consultative supply chain marketing services. We have detailed out each focus area and where we can analyze and recommend successful solutions that will take your organization to the next level. Our teams are also available for project work to keep your teams focused on core functions. We also provide training in key areas so your employees can perform the function or training to improve their marketing skills. We look forward to hearing from you how we can help!
Chess Game


Analysis & Recommendations

We can perform a 360 on your organization to determine areas of improvement. This includes an assessment of your marketing efforts, branding, and perceptions by clients and employees. They are compiled and presented with our recommendations. This includes developing an external but also an internal marketing strategy. External we know is branding but internal marketing is within your organization to educate and motivate. Project work for these two forms can be found in other categories below.

Young Man Pointing


Analysis & Recommendations

Individuals drive an organization be it the CEO, PR team or employees. We zero in on those who most prominently represent your organization. While this service is great for entrepreneurs, it is also beneficial for C-Suite and leadership who are seeking to lift their brand and profile in the marketplace as a 'trusted advisor' both within their industry and the community. 

Business Women Planning


Research & Created Plan

We always recommend a marketing plan over a business plan (but we do those as well) because a marketing plan considers all the business elements and more. We take your business idea and consider the 8P's of Marketing as well as researched business elements and provide a comprehensive plan you can use for funding and as a roadmap for your business development.

*We offer a modified option for those on a budget where we can provide the form along with a 1hr consultation for completing the plan and how to conduct the right research.

Analyzing the data


Analysis & Recommendations

Marketing is actually the numbers game behind promotions. They can tell you if a campaign is successful but not profitable or how unsuccessful campaigns can be restructured to be successful by reviewing and restructuring the creative, offers, or communication channels. We can analyze your current tracking mechanisms and recommend others that can provide you with more information and thereby more control over your efforts.

Branded Coasters


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

While 'Brand Me' is about an individual, brand awareness is about broadcasting your product or service as a 'brand'. While many think this is the symbolism of a name, logo, design, or tagline, we believe it the emotion you create that non-linguistically creates a 'glow' around your corporate image. We can analyze your current brand and make recommendations based on the methodology found in a competitive analysis and market research. *Our creative team can create logos, taglines, and other marketing projects.



Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

PR is a marketing promotion and can be used in many ways just like paid advertising. It is more than just generating press releases but building relationships with the media to know how to get no-cost stories written about your company, products or services, employees, community activities in the media, or when attending events. Our strategic analysis includes recommendations for execution by employees. *We can help provide project work as needed.

Networking Event


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

Attending, displaying, or sponsoring events requires a strategy. This includes targeting products and services while creating brand awareness. This is done by kiosk displays, interactive education, key personnel attending, giveaways, promotions, literature, and more. Our review and recommendations will assist in creating successful strategies. *We can help provide project work as needed.

Legal Research and Writing


Recommendations (Conducted Research Project Work Available)

Market research provides information about competitors, emerging trends in an industry or market, new concepts for products and services, plus qualitative and quantitative data from feedback loops through focus groups and surveys. *We can create a plan your employees can execute against or conduct market research for reporting as project work.

Writing on Tablet


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

Like chess, responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP) et al, and grant proposals requires strategy plus excellent technical and creative writing skills. This includes how to conduct market research if you do not have a relationship with your target organization. We can review your previous proposals and provide recommendations. *We can re-write specific content or write the entire RFP/grant proposals.

Couple Selfie


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

Content is key. Blogs, case studies, white papers, articles, podcasts, videos, and more. It is not only critical in helping to create your brand image but increases your perception as a 'trusted advisor' of educational content. Content also requires excellent technical and creative writing using proper English and grammar skills. Otherwise, a typo can do more damage as can poor content research. Our team can provide an analysis of existing content plus recommendations. *We can write re-write or create new content as project work.

Website Design


Analysis, Recommendations, Training (Project Work Available)

Most websites are necessary but treated as a 'business card' for information and a source for email marketing campaigns. Yet they are interactive and a sophisticated technology tool able to collect data and push out information via email addresses or IP addresses. SEO is always discussed but images with metatags, messaging, chats, blogs, and more all work together. Our teams can review your website for suggestions, recommend better platforms if needed, and train employees on how to maintain sites for all modalities. *We can develop websites as project work.

Digital social media


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

Advertising, digital and social media can all be used to raise brand awareness. Traditional advertising still includes radio, television and print, but digital media now includes pay-per-click, Google Adsense, banner displays, app and software digital advertising as well. Social media is posting messages but also ad campaigns on Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, and many more to broaden your reach based on targeted demographic data. *Our teams can manage your media buys and track them as project work.

Analysing data


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

Most companies are interested in what their customers think of their products and services and what employees feel about their work environment and management. So qualitative and quantitative surveys are critical feedback loops to gather data critical for making decisions. We conduct third-party surveys that can be used to win new business as a selling point using survey results such as Net Promoter Scores (NPS) of polled customers but also of a company's employees which can be used to attract new talent to the organization. We can help companies craft the right questions that will yield excellent insights. *Project work to include writing and conducting monthly, quarterly and annual surveys and provide detailed and summary reports of collected data.

Working with Laptop


Analysis & Recommendations (Project Work Available)

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database can be just for your sales teams or can be expanded to become a centralized database for your entire workflow given your clients are people. So managing and tracking contact is key as is leadership being able to manage teams through reporting data. This allows for a shift from micro-managing everything, to analyzing data so that problem areas are targeted. Given everyone's time is a value, focusing on those missing goals rather than those people exceeding goals is one key to a successfully managed organization. We can analyze and recommend existing CRMs, recommend CRMs if one is not in place, or create upgraded workflows as project work for enhancements.

Sales Agent


Analysis & Recommendations (New Business Training Available)

Sales is a function under the marketing promotions category and it's critical to the growth of all organizations. Many companies want to think 'everybody sales' but that can fail because not everyone has the natural skill, or aptitude to uncover new business. While some people are born strategists and extroverts, others are not. But they can be trained, but for a very specific type of sales. Because sales and operations are two distinct functions and one can cannibalize the other. We can help create successful sales strategies (including the use of SWOT techniques) and identify employees and positions key for sales. This includes those roles for direct sales and marketing- generated inbound sales but also identifying commission structures and bonus plans.  *We can analyze and recommend sales strategies, and employee skill assessments, but also can conduct sales training for new business.

Business People in Meeting


Analysis & Recommendations (Growth Sales Training Available)

While not everyone can do 'new' business sales, others should be growing new business WITHIN existing clients. This is where the 'everyone sales' strategy is most successful. We can help create successful existing account sales successful sales strategies (including the use of SWOT techniques) and identifying employees and positions key for sales. Additionally, a mechanism for feedback that allows employees to identify growth opportunities that can be passed to employees with the skill and aptitude for sales. *We can analyze and recommend sales strategies, and employee skill assessments, but also can conduct sales training for new business.

Phone Tripod


Analysis & Recommendations (Training and Project

While stock photos can be used in many areas, actual photos of physical products are the key to success. This includes product shots in corporate sales but most importantly online sales where you are giving the shopper the tactile, sensory information to make a buying decision. Our team members teach photography classes in college and are professional photographers and can assess and make recommendations on lighting techniques that can be complex yet made simple using 35mm or smartphones. *We can work with clients to take their product photos or train employees on how to create 'catalog quality' photos designed to sell.

Customer Service


Research & Created Plan

Supply chain marketing is an overlay to business operations. Therefore marketing is complex and far-reaching. This can include new product ideas and testing, packaging, pricing and benchmarking studies, product placement, and services - not just products. For both, this includes customer service techniques for calming angry customers and upgrading customers. *Please reach out if you have any issues or concerns within your organization and we can identify where it falls in marketing and how we can help solve a problem that leads to growth within your company.

HunterHennessy Privacy Policy:  We keep all information collected from potential clients and clients as confidential and will not share any data with third parties.  We will only use this data in the course of our business operations. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

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© 2023 by HunterHennessy LLC

Oak Park and Detroit, Michigan (Global in Scope)


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